I'm back from the Genting Trip. Some experiences to share before I turn in...
Details of the trip:
Duration: 3Days 2Nights
Date: 29 May 2008 ~ 1 June 2008
Venue: Genting Highlands
Transport: Driving
People Involved: My Family (5), Ah Hai's Family (6), Cousins & Their Boy (3), My Friends (3)
Hotel Stayed: Genting First World Hotel
Total Rooms Used: 4
We set off right in the middle of the night, at 3am. Stopped by halfway to have some drinks and food before proceeding again. We reached there at about 9am and made way to our hotel. As expected, we are not arranged to be checked in first. So we left our lugguage at the lugguage counter and went off for shopping.
First stop, the
Haunted House. We did not enter, just stood outside and took some pictures. Then we went looking for food cause cousins and boyfriend did not take their breakfast.
At about 2pm, we finally checked in to our hotels. Upon settling down and upacking our bags, we hurriedly went for shopping. Dad, Mum and Ah Hai changed into their formals to allow them to enter the casino. Meanwhile, the kids were off to the arcade. Afterwhich, we went downhill to have our dinner.
Coming to midnight, we changed for our formals and went off to the casino. Yes, I lost. I did not have any winnings at all! What makes it miracle was, if I did not bet and I advised Ferlin to bet on whichever I say, she takes the winnings! Simply trying to tell me to stop betting -.-" At about 5plus in the morning, Wendy, Sexy and Ken finally reached. We settled down and in a while's time, we fell asleep.
Next morning, we were awakened by the knocking of our room's door. Daddy rushing us to wake up for lunch. (: So we went downhill again by the free "shuttle van" and spent only RM400.00 to keep the 15 of us full. The menu: Bak Kut Teh, Fried Prawn Fritters, Fu Rong Omelette, Veggies, Char Siew, Steam Fish, Roast Duck and quite alot more that I couldn't recall. There are in total, 2 tables. For only RM 400.00, too cheap as compared to Singapore and Genting Highlands.
After eating, we walked out wanted to go back to the shuttle van alr, but saw some durians. The durians there are, choose -> open -> eat, all on the spot. (: Something makes me wonder real hard, a guy went uphill to get water down for us and he claims that the water would not leave any smell of durian after washing. How I wish I can get that water back Singapore to sell, hahas. After washing our hands, the smell is really not there anymore!
WOW !!!After going up to Genting Highlands, we went to the Theme Park for leisure and again, the adults went to the casino. We spent about few hours at the Theme Park and I was tired so Daddy came to fetch us at about 6plus and we went downhill to have our dinner again. Wendy, Sexy and Ken did not tag along, they wanted to play more. (: After eating, we went back to hotel to rest awhile before proceeding to the casino. Daddy, Mummy, Serene, me and Ah Hai went to the casino to try our luck. Actually, I'm under 21 but who cares, since the security guard didn't care? LOLS.
Thanks to Ah Hai, he acted as though he's teaching me which to play and how to play and stuff. We went for the Player - Banker upon entering and after which, proceeded to playing the Roulette. I did not bet despite the itchiness of my hand, wanting to touch the chips.
Daddy won RM 4, 000.00 in total for playing the above mentioned two games.
Try your luck guys, these are the two "most-easy-to-win" in the casino. DO NOT TRY THE JACKPOT, as highly advised by my friends. (if you do not want to lose your hard-earnings) Overall, it was a happy and memorable trip for me and my family. At the trip, I kept thinking of him, missing him (: Anyway, really hard work on the drivers. Pictures would be updated again. Enjoy! (: